Press Reviews:

2025, Article: PÚBLICO, Lisbon (PT)

2025, Article: Huck Magazine, London (UK)
Huck Magazine

2025, Publication: Genda #4. The Violence of the State, Milan (IT)
Genda #4. The Violence of the State
“The violence of the state is nothing other than the irruptive manifestation, in a way, of its own reason”. (Michel Foucault, Security, Territory, Population, 1978)
Text: Yang Fan. cm 17×21; pp.136; COL; paperback.
Publisher: A&Mbookstore Edizioni, Milano, 2024.
ISBN: 9791281232082

2025, Publication: Multi Multi - Photoworks Annual #31, Brighton (UK)
Publication: Multi Multi - Photoworks Annual #31
Multi Multi, Photoworks’ 31st Annual Publication, is a deep dive into image replication. “…the mass reproduction of photographic images in books only became possible in the very specific conditions of the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century…” Michelle Henning, Photography: The Unfettered Image Multi Multi (Photoworks Annual # 31) gathers contemporary artists working with replication, in 23 projects by image-makers from around the world. Mixing projects made with cutting-edge technology with works created with the oldest analogue processes, it suggests that image replication is nothing new. In doing so, Multi Multi suggests image replication is intrinsically linked to the culture in which it was born, at the start of industrial capitalism. Multi Multi continues the project begun with Photoworks Annual 30, The Thing, which considers how images extract and commodify; it just asks what happens when they’re mass produced.

2025, Publication: Luna Córnea 39, Mexico City (MX)
Publication: Luna Córnea 39
A partir del pensamiento de Guy Debord en «La sociedad del espectáculo» (1967), Luna Córnea ofrece un panorama de cómo las ideas del filósofo se han manifestado en la era digital, destacando la fusión de lo personal con lo comercial, el aumento de la vigilancia corporativa y estatal, y la reevaluación de la privacidad. Aborda también temas como la transformación del espectador en producto o espectáculo, la mercantilización de la violencia, la obsesión por los famosos, la autopromoción a través de selfies, así como las implicaciones sociales y políticas de estas dinámicas. De esta forma, esta edición invita a una reflexión sobre cómo la sociedad del espectáculo ha evolucionado para adaptarse a la era de la hiperconectividad.
Luna Córnea 39. La sociedad como espectáculo Dirección: Alejandra Pérez Zamudio.

2025, Publication: European Photography 116, Berlin (DE)
Publication: Luna Córnea 39
Berlin Experience – Artificial Intelligence. Berlin is Indescribable, by Christoph Tannert | Portfolios by Helmut Newton, Barbara Wolff, Michael Ruetz, Robert Herrmann, Thomas Florschuetz, Andreas Gehrke, Spyros Rennt, and Rafael Medina | Photo Location Berlin, by Boris von Brauchitsch | Berlin Photo Guide | Toward a Generative Museum, by Lev Manovich | AI portfolios by Clément Lambelet, Andreas Müller-Pohle, and Ben Millar Cole | Book Reviews: Stephanie Kiwitt, Peter Weibel, Robert Adams, Corinne Vionnet, Peter van Agtmae, Japanese Women Photographers | Editor’s Pick: Kurt Caviezel: Watching the World – No. 116, vol. 45, issue 2, winter 2024/2025. Berlin: European Photography, 2024. 24x30 cm, 80 pages, German/English

2022, SonntagsZeitung / Tages-Anzeiger, Switzerland, (de)
Netflix des Realen

2021, Le Figaro, France, (fr)
Le monde entier se dévoile à travers les images des 12.000 webcams de Kurt Caviezel

2021, Le Temps, Switzerland, (fr)
En collaboration avec l’Université de Zurich, Kurt Caviezel a lancé un site internet connecté en permanence à 12 000 webcams à travers le globe. Absurde, effrayant et fascinant.

2021, Pro Helvetia, Switzerland, on “Building Illusions”, (en)
Kurt Caviezel at “Building Illusions”

2021, WOZ Die Wochenzeitung, Switzerland, (de)
Blick auf die Welt. (Photo series during 12 weeks)


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